What I did this week, Y1W40: Bake off cooking and a lizard in the house

I made dampfnudels on Monday – those dumpling/bun things from bake off. They turned out really well considering the disasters that occurred on bake off and how I am incapable of following a recipe without altering it. I just always think I could make it better! Either that or I don’t have the right ingredients. They tasted amazing but I would recommend eating them the day you make them otherwise they go weirdly soggy on the bottom where you’ve added too much liquid because you thought they were burning. The custard recipe that was on the same BBC Food page was really good as well.IMG_5301 (1).jpg

I retook my driving theory test on Thursday and I passed! I still only scraped the hazard awareness bit but oh well, I only dropped one mark in the highway code questions. My sister and the Mothership went shopping while I was taking it and found an amazing dress agency/vintage shop. Not much went down to my sister’s size but there was a lot in my size and I bought this amazing full length black dress. IMG_5339.jpgApologies for the mess in the background, our house is pretty much piled with books from floor to ceiling.

I was walking behind my sister and the Mothership on the way to my theory test and their differing outfits made a fantastic photo which I failed to get. I did take this one of my sister though and just imagine the opposite (jeans, rucksack and puffy gillet) to see I saw.IMG_5314.jpg

After that nothing really happened until Sunday when we were eating breakfast and this lil gal/guy (how do you sex a lizard?) turned up on our kitchen floor.Screen Shot 2016-10-10 at 11.09.01.jpgWe’ve had a few lizards in the house but this was the largest yet. I’m not really sure how they get in, it seems unlikely they come through the door at this time of year when the doors are closed most of the time so there’s probably a hole somewhere. This one seems to have been scurrying around clearing up dog hair which is helpful of it.

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