My London: Talulah

The Evening Standard in the UK publishes a weekly magazine on a Thursday. On the last page they always do a ‘My London’ interview with someone, Serena Williams, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Guetta, Richard E Grant, Len Goodman, etc. They are always hysterically funny as the interviewees desperately name drop and discuss the reason they own one hundred white t-shirts… per house… I decided to do the same questions on my friend, known on this blog as Talulah, and see how exciting we could make her life sound. The slightly more realistic answers are in brackets. I’ve also replaced the traditional moody, out-on-the-street photo with a Sia style not seeing the face image. I meant to try and take a proper hair-all-over-the-face image when she was here but I forgot.

Home is: I divide my time between North London and my parents house in Norfolk. (At uni in London suburbs while the rest of my family live in Norwich.)

Where do you stay in London: Private accommodation surrounded by rolling parkland a convenient distance from central London. (Modern student block next to a field in Northwood, forty-five minutes on the tube from central London.)

Most romantic thing someones done for you: Every Valentine’s Day my Grandfather gives me a single red rose. (Taken from my Grandmothers bouquet.)

Best meal: After a stressful family Christmas a private chef cooked my family venison steak with potato dauphinoise. (My Grandmother cooked us a meal.)

Best place for a first date: A stroll through Richmond Park in spring followed by afternoon tea at the Ritz. (Don’t care who it is as long as he has teeth and hair.)

First thing you do when you arrive back in London: Have a private spa night. (Sit in my room and watch Friends while brushing my hair.)

What do you collect: I scour shops on my travels for vintage detective novels. (I have over seventy paperback Agatha Christie’s from Oxfams around the country.)

Who do you call to have fun: My wild younger sister, she’s the ying to my yang. (Well, at least she gets my jokes.)

What would you do as Mayor for the day: I would make all the children in London hold hands and sing band aid to reinforce unity throughout the city. (It would be quite entertaining.)

Which shops do you rely on: Vintage clothing stores for wonderful one off pieces and Waitrose for grocery staples. (Charity shops for clothes and Waitrose because it’s the closest supermarket to me)

Building you’d like to be locked in overnight: Buckingham Palace, I feel the Queen and I could stay up all night talking. (They probably have nice beds and a good chef to cook me supper.)

Favourite London discovery: A boutique coffee shop here the owner serves me a personalised blend. (At least the coffee is ‘hand blended’.)

Best thing a cabbie’s ever said to you: I never take taxis, I think we all have a duty to preserve the planet and take public transport. (I can’t afford to take taxis)

Biggest extravagance: Organic chai seeds for my breakfast smoothies. My body is a temple, I only eat the fresh and the pure. (After one term at university I told the kitchen I was gluten free so they would have to make me nicer food and bought myself a smoothie maker to try and eat at least some fruit and vegetables.)


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